10% Discount

Order your ticket online and fill in the code AVMKR22 to get your ticket with 10% Off.
The discount code only applies to adult entrance tickets ordered via the website and cannot be combined with other offers.
STRAAT is the museum for graffiti and street art, showcasing some of the biggest names and upcoming talent from all over the world. Their current exhibition displays more than 150 artworks by 130+ artists. The artworks were created on-site and most of these mind blowing visual experiences are as big as outdoor walls. As a museum, STRAAT provides the added value of context and information. Here’s your chance to get to know the stories that remain untold in the streets!

Order your ticket here For more info call +31203709630
Open Wednesday -Sunday: 10 am – 6 pm
NDSM Plein 1, Amsterdam